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Monday, 5 May 2014

Souvenirs: Japanese D.I.Y Waffle Lollies


Souvenirs: Japanese D.I.Y Waffle Lollies 

So for this post I decided to try some editing on my photos and add that little extra jazz. I hope you like it! Once again this packet was purchased at Don Quijote for around 200 Yen. This one was more expensive as it has more steps involved to create the lolly. 

In the pack you receive the following:

1. Orange packet - waffle mixture
2. Purple packet - grape mixture to add on top of the waffles
3. Blue packet - whip cream to add on top of the waffles
4. Pink packet - strawberry sauce to add on top of the waffles
5. Cut out container to use as moulds and mixing containers 

You create the waffle mixture by combining water and the orange packet. If there are no more crystals, create two balls which you will now press into the plastic waffle shape moulder. This should create around 3 waffles per packet. Next steps are to combine the other packets with water to create the toppings for the waffles. You need to work fast in the next steps because the jelly will solidify quite quickly with the gelatine crystals. As I couldn't quite figure out how to read the instructions in Japanese I was unsure of the quantity of water. So I ended up using the triangle scoop to pour water into the mixing container little by little.

This was the final product! once again I was not surprised by the taste of the lolly... had a strange taste! It required more sugar for the waffle, but the grape and strawberry sauce provided some sugar delight and flavour.  

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